GMU, HIST 390-002, Fall 2012, Dr. Amanda French

Archive for the ‘Tech Help’

Learn to program additional resources

Here are the additional resources I mentioned today that might help you learn to program:

Remember too to check out Yahoo! Pipes if you’re interested in pulling together data from multiple sites. I’ve also fixed the broken link on the overlay features in Google Earth that will let you overlay historical maps (especially Rumsey maps) in Google Earth.

We are meeting in Innovation 223 on Thursday November 29th and Thursday December 6th.

Security self-evaluation

Security self-evaluation quiz

Give yourself 1 point for every “no” answer to the following 5 questions.

  1. Do you use the same password for any of these accounts: Email, Google/Gmail, Facebook, iTunes/Apple, Amazon, online banking?
  2. Is your email password less than 10 characters long?
  3. Have you ever told anyone else one of your passwords?
  4. Do you allow your web browser, your email client, or any websites to save passwords?
  5. Do you have any passwords written down somewhere?

Give yourself 1 point for every “yes” answer to the following 5 questions.

  1. Do you back up your data?
  2. Do you have data backups both “in the cloud” (online) and locally (on another hard drive or computer)?
  3. Is your primary computer password-protected?
  4. Is your anti-virus software up to date?
  5. Do you regularly update your operating system?

Add together your total points from both sections. What’s your score?

Google Group, blog timestamps

You should have received an email invitation to join the class Google Group at!forum/hist390-002. Please join if you’d like the ability to ask (and maybe answer) questions of one another, even “What did I miss in class last Tuesday?” and the like.

Also, if you’ve noticed that the timestamps on your blog are wrong, that’s because by default they’re all set to Greenwich Mean Time. Go to Settings –> General to set the correct time zone on the blog. I usually pick “Montreal” as the closest city in the same time zone.

Getting on the Mason wireless

I hope that all of you have managed to get on the MASON-SECURE wi-fi network, but if you haven’t, please visit Mason’s help page for accessing MASON-SECURE.