Security self-evaluation quiz
Give yourself 1 point for every “no” answer to the following 5 questions.
- Do you use the same password for any of these accounts: Email, Google/Gmail, Facebook, iTunes/Apple, Amazon, online banking?
- Is your email password less than 10 characters long?
- Have you ever told anyone else one of your passwords?
- Do you allow your web browser, your email client, or any websites to save passwords?
- Do you have any passwords written down somewhere?
Give yourself 1 point for every “yes” answer to the following 5 questions.
- Do you back up your data?
- Do you have data backups both “in the cloud” (online) and locally (on another hard drive or computer)?
- Is your primary computer password-protected?
- Is your anti-virus software up to date?
- Do you regularly update your operating system?
Add together your total points from both sections. What’s your score?